Monday, September 6, City of Hope Open Community School commenced the last school term of the year.

On the first day of school, the students were involved in cleaning the classrooms and environment. They greeted their new teachers and to met their classmates.
The Open Community School, offers basic education to youth, aged between 9 and 17 years.
During this time, over a period of 4 years, they learn the subjects offered at Primary School level. After the 4 years preparation, they are given an opportunity to write the Government Grade 7 examination. There are now about 800 girls and boys who attend the Open Community School at City of Hope. Initionally there were only girls, but a few years back, the local community approached the Salesian Sisters expressing the needs for boys as well as girls. A new programme started with afternoon-classes boys but now the girls and boys are integrated. The school has a feeding programme where high protein supplementary food is offered to the children, as ‘no one can learn on an empty stomach’. For many of the children, this is their main meal.